Fruit Recognition Matlab Code

How to build fruit recognition system using matlab? Follow 20 views (last 30 days) Solehah Ahmad on 5 Apr 2016. MATLAB’ Second Edition,2009 by Gatesmark, LLC. 2 Alasdair McAndrew, in ‘An Introduction to Digital Image Processing with Matlab, Notes for SCM2511 Image Processing 1’, School of Computer Science and Mathematics,Victoria University of Technology. 3 Justyna Inglot, ‘Advanced Image Processing with Matlab’, in. MATLAB Central contributions by coudren. Request for fruit recognition MATLAB code i need the MATLAB source code for fruit recognition,please anyone can help? Matlab Project with Source Code Currency Recognition Using Image Processing. Matlab Project with Source Code Fruit Disease Dete.

This example shows how to create and train a simple convolutional neural network for deep learning classification. Convolutional neural networks are essential tools for deep learning and are especially suited for image recognition.

The example demonstrates how to:

  • Load image data.

  • Define the network architecture.

  • Specify training options.

  • Train the network.

  • Predict the labels of new data and calculate the classification accuracy.

Load Data

Load the digit sample data as an image datastore. The imageDatastore function automatically labels the images based on folder names.

Divide the data into training and validation data sets, so that each category in the training set contains 750 images, and the validation set contains the remaining images from each label. splitEachLabel splits the image datastore into two new datastores for training and validation.

Define Network Architecture

Define the convolutional neural network architecture. Specify the size of the images in the input layer of the network and the number of classes in the fully connected layer before the classification layer. Each image is 28-by-28-by-1 pixels and there are 10 classes.

For more information about deep learning layers, see List of Deep Learning Layers.

Train Network

Specify the training options and train the network.

By default, trainNetwork uses a GPU if one is available (requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™ and a CUDA® enabled GPU with compute capability 3.0 or higher). Otherwise, it uses a CPU. You can also specify the execution environment by using the 'ExecutionEnvironment' name-value pair argument of trainingOptions.

For more information about training options, see Set Up Parameters and Train Convolutional Neural Network.

Test Network

Classify the validation data and calculate the classification accuracy.

For next steps in deep learning, you can try using pretrained network for other tasks. Solve new classification problems on your image data with transfer learning or feature extraction. For examples, see Start Deep Learning Faster Using Transfer Learning and Train Classifiers Using Features Extracted from Pretrained Networks. To learn more about pretrained networks, see Pretrained Deep Neural Networks.

See Also

trainingOptions | trainNetwork

Related Topics

Fruit Classifier

For the Classificationof Fruits via Software MATLAB we need to have concept about three main points.

1- Database

The database containsthe images of fruits in a folder. The classifying fruits are more than onecategory so for each category there must be separate folder .e.g. Apples in onefolder, Pears in second folder and so on.
Sample Images for Apple
Sample Images for Pineapple

For the projectsimulation in MATLAB, we have used five different Fruits.
  1. Apples
  2. Bananas
  3. Dates
  4. Oranges
  5. Pineapples

Some sample images forPineapple and Apple are shown above.

2- Feature Extractor

It is a method thatstores some part of information instead of complete image. It is helpfulbecause instead of saving all image some samples are stored from it.
For every fruit wehave collected 10 samples (For MATLAB Simulation). Out of 10 samples, featuresof 7 samples are used for training of network while features of 3 samples areused for testing of network. The feature extractor returns 6 features for eachsample.
Total Number of Samples = Samples for eachfruit x Number of fruits in database

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Samples for trainingof Network: 7 x 5 = 35
Below shown is the workspace for project. It contains training and testing data along with targetsmatrix.
Project Workspace
In below textfollowing words are used with reference to above figure.
  • Training data =Training_Data
  • Testing data =Testing_Data
  • Training Targets =Training_Target
  • Testing Targets =Testing_Targets

It can be seen fromabove figure training data is a matrix of 35 x 6.In training data matrix, 35means numbers of samples and 6 means features for each sample. It means we have1 sample in a row for training of network.
It can be seen fromabove figure testing data is a matrix of 15 x 6.In testing data matrix, 15means numbers of samples and 6 means features for each sample. It means we have1 sample in a row for testing of network.
The training targetsand testing targets means targets for training data and testing datarespectively. After the extraction of features we have to specify that forwhich class or fruit the features are extracted. E.g. all the 10 Apple samplesare assigned with same number i.e. 1, all the 10 banana samples are assignedwith same number i.e. 2 and so on till the last sample.
If we combine thefeatures matrix with respective targets, following result matrix is obtained.(The result is shown for testing data).
Features Vector along with Targets for Testing Data
In above figure fromcolumn 1 to column 6 are the features for each sample and column 7 means thetarget for each sample. First 3 samples column 7 value is 1 which means theybelong from fruit category 1 i.e. Apple, next 3 samples column 7 value is 2which means they belong from fruit category 2 i.e. Banana and so on.

3- Classifier

It is the main sectionin classification. The features extracted in last step are used to train andtest the classifier. After obtaining of desired result. The Classifier is savedand used in future for classification.
The results obtained bytesting data for my simulation are;
Actual Targets vs Predicted Target by Classifier
In above figure column1 represents our required result and column 2 represents the predicted resultby classifier. The accuracy obtained by classifier is 93.333%. Classifier predicted sample 10 ascategory 5 while the required result is category 4.

Creation of database:Collection of images for fruits.

Fruit Classification And Recognition Using Matlab Code

Feature Extraction:Features are extracted from collected images.

Fruit Recognition Using Matlab Code

Classification:Extracted features are classified by classifier in to classes or targets.
That’s all for today.
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